This article will give an overview of Raw Processed Volume and Usage in your Bureau Works Account Settings.
1. Introduction
Bureau Works has metrics that help our customers monitor and manage their work on the platform. At an account level, we have the Usage metric, which allows you to check how the account is being used and the volume that's being processed.
2. Overview
In order to access your Usage panel and verify the processed volume on your account, first you must navigate to the side menu, find the Account Settings, and select the Usage tab.
This action will bring you to the following screen, where you have the Usage panel, displaying your Raw Processed Volume and the amount of data that was processed using Machine Translation.
As you can see from the image above, both the Raw Processed Volume and the Machine Translation have a correlated date associated with them. This means that those metrics are renewed monthly and reflect the processed data in this specific time span.
Raw Processed Volume refers to the amount of characters and words that have been processed by the platform in your account. This metric quantifies the volume of content that was ingested by the platform.
It's important to note that this metric is not limited only by the file size, but it also takes into account the related workflows and target languages.
For instance, let's assume you're about to upload a file that has 1,000 words. You wish to translate this file into two separate target languages, and you'll have two separate workflows for each language (translation and review). Essentially, we use the file(s) word count uploaded to Bureau Works, multiplied by the number of languages and workflows.
Total word count: 1,000 words
Languages: 2
Workflows: Translation and Review (2 workflows in that case)
Processed words: 1,000 * 2 * 2 = 4,000 words processed
Machine Translation, on the other hand, corresponds to the amount of content that was processed using MT providers. This means that every time you use machine translation (either for suggestions or for pre-translation), the counter will be incremented.
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