Like any niche tool, we are swimming in jargon. We don't like it, but we can't avoid it.
In an attempt to make our lives easier and more down-to-earth, we have created a glossary of key terms used to talk about our product.
Bureau Works - Translation and Localization Platform developed by the Bureau Works team.
Translation Memory (TM) - A database that stores segments (aka sentences or strings) in two or more languages. The purpose of. TM is to re-use and leverage previously translated content.
LogFile - A system-generated report that stratifies document sentence word count according to different tiers based on percentage similarity to the Translation Memory.
Pricelist - A list containing line items, their units and respective prices so that Bureau Works can calculate pricing when combining log files with pricelists.
Match - The percentage similarity between a new sentence and previously translated content within the referred TM.
Term Base (TB) / Glossary - A database that stores key terms in two or more languages. The purpose of a TB is to assist the translator in maintaining adherence to brand or industry jargon.
Work Unit (WU) - The result of a combination of a given set of files, workflow steps and language pairs. One file for instance Translated into 6 languages will create 6 WUs whereas One file Translated and Reviewed into 6 languages will create 12 WUs. The purpose of the work unit is to manage task routing and assignments.
Task - Any activity that needs to be claimed and executed in Bureau Works. A task could be a translation assignment or signing off on an invoice. The purpose of tasks is to guide users in their journey within Bureau Works and help with the navigation of to-dos and priorities.
Workflow Step (WS) - A Workflow Step is a specific activity performed on a given set of files. Translation or Review are examples of Workflow steps but you can create and parametrize WS as necessary in Bureau Works.
Organization (OZ) - An Organization is the holding entity of Organizational Units. It could refer to an entire company or a department within a company. The key principle is that Organizational Units are hierarchically inferior and bound to OZs. The purpose of an OZ is to hold OUs within the same umbrella.
Organizational Unit (OU) - An Organizational Unit could be a department, a company, a division, or any group of users that share similar knowledge or activities together within Bureau Works. The purpose of an OU is to granularly establish permissions as well as benefit from the overarching knowledge and or parameters of an OZ.
Editor - Aka as a Computer Assisted Translation Tool. The editor is where the actual work on the content gets done within Bureau Works. The purpose of the editor is to provide an environment that helps translation productivity, leverages previously translated content and increases consistency as well as governance.
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