This article will help you to understand the Quality Module of our platform.
1. Accessing the Quality Module
2. Reviews
2.1. Understanding the Reviews' Structure
2.2. Analysis Points
3. Reports
1. Accessing the Quality Module
On the Bureau Works's lateral menu, click on Quality
and then choose between Reviews
or Reports
2. Reviews
Once you click on Reviews, the following Report List will show. The structure is as follows:
1 - Project name of the task
2 - Task’ status
3 - Organizational Unit linked to the Project
4 - Associated Workflow in which the quality report was generated
5 - Task’s Language Pair
6 - Date of Report Creation
2.1. Understanding the Reviews' Structure
The Review (Quality Report) is a record of data generated by Bureau Works where all the review modifications done by the vendors in a key position (reviewers, In-Country reviewers, Regional Approvers) are stored on the Vendor profile.
While Vendors can only have access to the quality report of tasks they participated in (translating or reviewing), Project Managers have full access to the reports for Organizations or Organizational units they are associated with, since Project Managers have full visibility of the entire project and workflow steps, as opposed to vendors that can only access tasks assigned to them.
Its structure contains:
1- Project ID/name
2 - Linked Organizational Unit
3 - Language Pair
4 - Filename
5 - Changes Summary
6 - Change’s details of each segment
2.2. Analysis Points
The Quality Report provides Vendors and Project Managers with some important data related to the quality of the translations that are being delivered in Bureau Works.
The ultimate goal of the Quality reports is to provide data that can help Vendors and Project Managers to work towards improving the quality of the translations being performed:
The Changes Summary quantifies:
1 - Percentage of Changes
2 - Changed segments
3 - Repeated segments
4 - Confirmed segments
5 - Locked segments
6 - Modified words
7 - Total segments
8 - Total project words
In Bureau Works, the changes are divided into the following types:
Preferential - Improved fluency
Preferential - Did not improve fluency
Incorrect Translations
With this information, the platform analyzes the number of changes - based on total and type of changes - and calculates a percentage of changes made.
*This calculation reflects on the Vendor's Metrics, in their profile in Bureau Works. These metrics are continuously updated as the vendors complete new projects and have them evaluated by a different vendor.
3. Reports
The Report will synthesize all changes in all workflows made to a file for the same target language, providing a full-quality report with detailed information. While the vendor will be able to check the final result for the jobs they worked on, giving them the chance to improve their work's quality, it will also summarize all important points about the work made on a determined file, helping the Project Managers to make important decisions.
Once you click on "Reports", a list will be shown and it has the following structure:
1- Project name and ID
2 - Report' Status - "Finished" for when all workflows' reviews are finished and "Pending" for when one or more are still pending
3 - Linked Organizational Unit
4 - File name
5 - Language Pair
6 - First Review date and time
After selecting one Full Quality Report, you will see the following structure:
1- Project name and ID
2 - Linked Organizational Unit
3 -Language Pair
4 - File name
5 - Changes
We can detail the Changes panel, as follows:
1- Segment number
2 - Source text
3 - Changes made in the Translation step
4 - Changes made in the following workflow step and the change category label
5 - The "No Changes" label, meaning that no changes have been made to the segment in this workflow. In case there is any change in the workflow, this will also be shown, as its category
⚠️ Please, consult this article if you want to know more about the translation changes categories and their impact on the linguists' metrics: Translation Changes Categories in the Bureau Works Platform
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